TEC-VARIETY-lightbulb moment - Artefact 6

Assignment two provided me with many light bulb moments, and gave me theoretical confirmation of my current teaching practice using technology as well as igniting my desire to do more.
The TEC-VARIETY model was new to me and once I understood what it was I could see straight way the impact it could have upon my classroom. Having greater knowledge of learner motivation provides insight into why learners are sometimes more successful than others in their learning journey (Bonk & Khoo, 2014). Applying the TEC-VARIETY framework to my unit planning forced me to think more carefully about the types of technology and why. There have been times when I have encountered a new online tool or a new piece of technology and have rushed into using it without thinking "can this enhance my students learning? I will be using the TEC-VARIETY framework when I am planning my learning in the future as making learning activities purposeful will focus students energy and efforts towards their desired goals (Bonk & Khoo, 2014).
